Praising Him Loudly

So now that the compilation is out, I’m excited to hear and share our latest creative efforts directed towards the glory of God.  But I have been wondering, while we of course are enjoying each other’s works, how can we get our music out to a wider audience?  Are there any promotional events/interviews/podcasts planned?  I feel like we need to somehow expand the knowledge of this great collection of tunes to more than just our fledgling community.

Any ideas?

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Comments 3

  1. Katholicus

    I know that the Catholic Music Network provides CD reviews, so does George Liete of Catholic, and he does a podcast which features songs from Catholic artists (he also runs the Catholic website). Jim O’meara who runs Grape Vine online magazine and the Catholic Music Express, also does CD reviews. So, when the hard copy comes out, we should inquire if these folks will do reviews. I would think some Christian metal sights would be willing to provide a review -even if just out of curiosity -“Catholic Metal…? What?”

  2. Cradle Catholic

    Am I the only one who feels like a new parent with nobody to show the baby to?! Being that we ARE so new, it is hard to know how to promote and create awareness. I LOVE this album. I think many of the songs would be recognized as great metal ANYWHERE! I think Katholicus is right about needing to get the album reviewed. I think that band interviews would help spread the word also, if we could just get people to interview us. EVERYBODY here in our community seems more than well spoken.  Knowing how awesome “PHL: 1″ makes me want to share it with the world!

  3. Dave

    There is a marketing plan…..but we have to hold off until the physical CD is finished. I have been in touch with some reviewers and they will only review the compilation if we have a physical CD to give them.  I’m hoping for a late May release of the physical CD…..a lot of hours have been poured into the compilation from our end…..we will be fanning the flames of reviewers and other internet journalists when the physical CD is ready to rock.  Thanks for your patience!!


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